Data Deletion Request

At Ontraccr, we respect your privacy and are committed to providing a transparent process for handling your data. If you wish to request the deletion of your account and associated data, please follow the steps outlined below:

Data Deletion Request Process


1. Visit our Support Center 

2. Submit a 'Technical support' request. In your ticket, please provide the following details to help us locate and process your request:

  • Your registered email address and/or username
  • Your company name
  • Any additional information that can assist in identifying your account

3. Once you've added the details of your data deletion request, click 'Send' to submit the ticket. Once submitted, our support team will follow up with you via email as soon as possible to complete the request and/or ask for clarification if needed.

Data Deletion Overview


Types of Data Deleted: We delete all personal information associated with your account.

Retention Period: Your data is retained for 30 days after account deletion for system operation purposes.

We will process your request promptly, and upon completion, you will receive confirmation via email. Please note that some data may be retained for a specific period due to legal or operational requirements.

If you have any questions or concerns regarding our data deletion policy, feel free to contact us at

Thank you for being a part of Ontraccr.


Team Ontraccr

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