Update 3.13.0

We’re excited to announce that we just released version 3.13.0 of the web and mobile apps, with some highly requested features.

Please see the full release notes for version 3.13.0 below:

Web App 3.13.0


Automated Board Email Notifications

  • Boards now have new email notification options! 
  • Two new options are available:
    • Send an email on Status Change
      • This will send an automated email to all assigned users of the card anytime the status of the card is changed in the board.
    • Send an email on Card Update
      • This will send an automated email to all assigned users of the card anytime the card details/fields are updated and saved.
  • To enable the email notifications, simply open the board's settings slider and choose which ones you’d like to enable.

Screenshot 2023-09-04 at 4.23.17 PM.png


New Board Workflow: Time-Based Automations

  • We’ve added a new workflow to boards where automated actions can occur whenever a card has been sitting in a specific status for a certain amount of time.
  • Three automated actions are available:
    • Send an email
      • This will send an email to configured users after X minutes/hours/days of the card sitting in a status.
    • Create a task
      • This will automatically create and assign a task for the card after X minutes/hours/days of the card sitting in a status.
    • Change card color
      • This will change the color of the card after X minutes/hours/days of the card sitting in a status.
  • To add the workflow to a board, simply open the ‘Workflows’ tab in the board's settings slider. Click ‘Add’ to add the new workflow and select ’Trigger action when a card stays in a status for a period of time’ as the type. From here, under ’Sub-type’, you can select from the 3 available options listed above. Choose the ’Status’ as well as the trigger time in minutes, hours, or days. 


Material Folder Permissions

  • Folders in the materials page now have new permissions to decide which users can access the folders or price lists across the web and mobile apps. Click the icon next to the material folder to configure the permissions.

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Cost Code List View

  • You can now view cost codes in a list view. Click the view toggle in the top right corner of the cost codes pages to change between the card or list views.

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New Options for Form Clock In/Out Triggers

  • When designing a form workflow, admins can now select specific days in which the clock in/out triggers should apply to the form. In the form’s workflow designer, simply click the calendar icon next to the trigger options to select specific days.



Other Improvements & Fixes

  • We’ve added a new option to make all column entries required for table fields.
  • We renamed the ‘union class’ field to ‘work classification’ across the OnTraccr web and mobile apps.
  • User profiles can now support empty/blank wages.
  • Custom Exports are now filtered by divisions, meaning users will only be able to see the custom export reports for their assigned divisions only.

Mobile App 3.13.0


Equipment Tab Added to Project Profiles

  • We’ve added the ‘equipment’ tab to project profiles in the mobile app.



Time Card Status Colours

  • All time cards in the mobile app will now show the same status colours as time cards in the web app. 



Other Improvements & Fixes

  • We fixed an issue where the forms list was cutting off the last forms on certain Android operating systems.