Activating and managing the Gmail integration

Centralize communications by connecting your email inbox directly to your Ontraccr boards.

The Ontraccr Gmail Add-On is deployed as a custom/private application within your company's domain and is not available in the public Gmail marketplace. This article outlines how to deploy the Ontraccr Gmail Add-On within your company's Gmail domain to start using it.

Please note: the Ontraccr Gmail Add-On is only available as an add-on subscription purchase. Before proceeding with setting up the integration, please contact your Ontraccr account manager to upgrade your account prior to setup.

Preparing your domain for custom application deployment

In order to deploy the Ontraccr Gmail Add-On within your company domain, you will need the assistance of the Ontraccr services team. Please follow the steps below to get started and involve the Ontraccr team:

1. The Ontraccr services team will require access to an admin-level G-Suite account within your company's domain. Create an admin-level user for the Ontraccr team and store the credentials for the account. (Note that the Ontraccr services team will not use this account for anything other than deploying and maintaining the custom Gmail Add-On app within the domain.)

2. Next, you will need to contact the Ontraccr service team by submitting a service ticket. When submitting a service ticket, be sure to submit a 'Technical Support' ticket type, indicate that you require assistance with the Gmail Add-On integration, and provide the credentials for the admin-level G-Suite account created in step 1 above.

3. The Ontraccr team will then respond to let you know once the deployment is queued. For reference, during this deployment step, the Ontraccr team will do the following:

  • Create a Google Cloud Project for the custom app.
  • Create the Ontraccr Gmail integration in Google App scripts.
  • Release the integration within your company domain.

Once finished, the Ontraccr team will respond within the ticket to let you know to proceed to the next step.

4. Lastly, once the app is deployed by the Ontraccr team, you will need to install it within your company domain/organization as described here:

Once the Ontraccr Gmail Add-On is installed within your company domain, users can then connect their inboxes to Ontraccr.