Update 3.5.0

Release 3.5.0 introduces the much-requested custom dashboards feature where users can now design their own dashboards to easily view any information they need to see and 3.5.0 also introduces the ability to submit forms directly from boards. We’ve also added some popular feature requests to the mobile app and fixed some bugs users were experiencing. 

Please see the full release notes for version 3.5.0 below:


Web App 3.5.0



Introducing Custom Dashboards

  • Up until now, the Dashboard page was fixed with the same single design that included the real-time clock, quick stats, and the live feed. Now, we’ve completed opened this up to let users design their own dashboards however they see fit. Users can now create multiple dashboards and switch between them seamlessly, as well as assign a new favourite dashboard that will always load as the default view in their dashboard page.
  • Each dashboard consists of ‘widgets’, which are the specific interactive elements the user wants to place on their dashboard. Currently, in the first version of custom dashboards, there are 4 types of widgets available: Clock, Quick Stats, Live Feed, and Analytics. The ‘Analytics’ widget is directly tied to all saved Analytics reports, so each saved analytics report will show up as an available widget in the dashboard designer.
  • To create a new dashboard, click the name of the Dashboard at the top of the Dashboard page. Click the edit icon to get started. You will then see an edit menu where you can add any of the available widgets. After selecting widgets, you will then be able to rearrange and resize any of them to design the layout of the dashboard any way you’d like. When you’re finished with your design, you can give the dashboard a name and click the Save icon to save it.
  • To switch between any of your custom dashboards, click the name of the dashboard to display the list. You can also favourite any of the dashboards by clicking the favourite icon when viewing the dashboard, this will make the custom dashboard your new default dashboard view for your account.
  • Note: We will be adding some new tutorials on analytics and dashboards in the Learning Center very soon with a full walk-through of how to set them up.


Introducing Board Forms

  • Forms can now be sent directly from a board or card! This makes it even easier to quickly send an invoice, work order, purchase orders, or any other document while viewing the information within the board. 
  • To start, each board admin can now decide which users are allowed to generate a form from within the board. In the board’s ‘Permissions’ tab, a new column has been added where the admin can check off each individual user that is able to send forms from the board.
  • For users with this permission, they will see a new form icon next to the card title in the board view or within the card slider itself. After clicking the form icon, a slider will pop up which asks the user which form they’d like to generate. Here they can either select a new form manually or they can pick from a saved form mapping for the board.
    • To save a form mapping for the board, the board admin can configure this mapping in the new ‘Forms’ tab in the board settings. When adding a form mapping, simply map the specific fields that should be transferred into the form automatically from the board card.

Analytics Updates

  • In addition to viewing analytics for boards, users can also now view detailed analytics for any forms or documents sent via OnTraccr. When selecting the profile in the first step of the Analytics page, you will now see all forms listed as options.
  • Analytics also now support viewing form responses for yes/no questions, text fields, multiple choice, tables, calculations, and much more. New chart styles have been added as well including pie charts, stacked lines, and the list view.
  • Analytics can also be broken down by Field in addition to over timespans. 
  • A new ’number of cards’ report type has been added for board analytics.


Schedule Improvements

  • Shifts can also now be assigned colours manually. 
  • The calendar selector now includes new ’today', 'this week', and ‘this month’ options to easily switch back to current timelines. 


Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue where card edits were being cleared while cards were being created automatically via project creation.
  • Fixed an issue where certain automatic overtime calculation settings were counting breaks as paid time.


Mobile App 3.5.0


Introducing Advanced Board Search

  • Just like the board search function in the web app, the board search function in the mobile app has now been updated to search across all boards and redirect the user to the exact board/status any card is in.


Ability to edit labour rates in forms

  • Labour rates can now be edited directly by tapping the rate column in the labour table.