Customizing cost code profiles

If you'd like to further customize how your company uses cost codes in Ontraccr, you can add custom fields to your cost code profiles. 

Adding custom fields to cost codes

To customize your cost code profiles, head over to the Settings > Customization > Custom Fields page and select 'Cost Codes' from the customization drop-down at the top of the page. Here, you can add any custom sections and fields just like you would in an Ontraccr form.

Once you add custom sections/fields to your cost code profiles, these custom fields will then be available at the bottom of the cost code profile for every cost code profile you add or edit in Ontraccr moving forward.

Using cost code custom fields



In order to use the cost code custom fields within any templates in Ontraccr:

  • Your template will need to have at least one cost code 'choose one or more' field (drop-down) so that your users can select a cost code within the template before the template will use the attribute field outlined below to display the custom fields. Please see an example of how to configure this field below

Configuring cost code attribute fields

After adding custom fields to your cost code profiles in Ontraccr, you can easily pull these custom fields into any form, board card, or time card templates by using the 'Attribute' field.

Simply add an Attribute field into your template, select 'Cost Code' under the attribute type drop-down, and select from any of the available cost code custom fields.

After adding this attribute field, any time a user selects a cost code in a 'choose one or more' field within the template, Ontraccr will display the configured custom field via the attribute field in the template.