Board viewing options

Viewing options

The default view for boards in Ontraccr is the 'board' view, but there's also a 'list' view available. If you ever want to switch between the two view options, simply flip the view toggle in the top right corner of your board.

Both view types offer the same set of functionality, including the ability to drag and drop cards.

If you'd like to make your board go full screen, click the full screen button next to the toggle.

Board view

The board view lays out all your cards in a column-oriented view, where each status is a vertical column that contains a set of cards. The board view is horizontally-scrollable.

List view

The list view lays out all your cards in a row-oriented view, where each status is a horizontal section that contains a set of cards. The list view is vertically-scrollable.

Sorting cards 

By default, all cards in boards are sorted manually using the 'default' sorting mechanism. The default sorting mechanism allows you to sort your cards any way you want, and you can re-order the cards within any status just by dragging it to a new position.

In addition to the default sorting mechanism, you can also sort boards cards with some other options by clicking the sort button in the top right corner of the board.

You can also sort board cards by the following options below, including by the card's name/title, time in status, and also by any custom 'Date/Time' field within the card.

User filters

Boards also offer user filters, so you can filter your board view to only show cards assigned to specific users. Assigned users can be added to any card in the 'Assigned Users' field. If a card has assigned users, it will display the users' initials next to the card name/title.

To filter the board to show cards assigned to specific users, simply click the filter button at the top and click the users you want to filter for: